You send your checks to the management company.
You report maintenance problems to the management company.
You receive non-compliance notices from the management company.
So, the management company makes all of the important decisions regarding your community, right?
Larlyn Property Management Ltd. is what is known as a “fee-based” management company. We do not own the properties we manage. Our clients, the Board of Directors or property owners, are our “bosses.” They are the principle decision-making body which sets policies, standards, procedures, programs and budgets. Our role as the managers of your condo/strata corporation, rental home or commercial space is administrative and advisory in nature. We offer advice, provide financial reporting information and carry out the decisions made by our client.
Property Management implements decisions of the board/owners and administers the programs, services and activities of the corporation/property within the policies and guidelines set by the client. When communicating with our management company, please keep in mind that although the board/owner has given us the authority to make many of the day-to-day operational decisions, some requests are going to need the approval of our client.
Here are some tips to help facilitate your communication with the board/owner:
When in doubt about your request, put it in writing.
Attend the Open Forum portion of condo/strata Board of Directors meetings.
If your request is “non-emergency” in nature, please be patient. In most cases, management will research the issue for our client so that they may make the best educated, business decision possible.
If you have any questions whatsoever, do not hesitate to contact your property manager.
We are here to make sure you love where you live… we believe people make a house a home and Larlyn definitely has the best people!
For more information about Property Management and what we do, check out our free E-GUIDE below: